Thursday, June 23, 2011

New Journal... First Post!

So I had a humongous art journal I bought a year ago and never wanted to work in it (the massive blank pages were pretty intimidating), so I bought a smaller journal and viola! I already have two pages complete. It doesn't sound like much, but I'm a perfectionist so I take forever to finish projects, even journal pages.
This is the cover of my new journal!
I used an old map I rediscovered in my hellhole of a closet. I remember I rescued it from being thrown away by one of my parents. I've always been one to hold on to anything and everything, whether it's something little with personal value or I think I can use it for a project. Luckily I found the map, because I love how it turned out! 
I then Mod-Podged on the tree and paper crane images, glued down the felt circles, snowflakes, and title piece, and finally Mod-Podged the entire cover. Mod-Podge is an awesome glue/sealant!
"Each morning when I awake, I experience again a supreme pleasure: that of being Salvador Dali."
I absolutely love Salvador Dali. I never really knew about him until I visited the Dali Museum in St. Pete, Florida, not far from where I live. I instantly fell in love with his work, my favorite being The Hallucinogenic Toreador. I read this quote and thought it was humorous, like Dali was full of himself; but then I thought, I take supreme pleasure in being myself, too. I have an awesome family, a nice home, a decent head on my shoulders, and I'm creative. I can't imagine life without creativity.
"Have no fear of perfection- you'll never reach it."
Again, another lovely Salvador Dali quote. My biggest flaw is beating myself up about every minute thing. I know from experience that letting go, telling myself 'screw it' and just doing whatever it is I'm trying to accomplish gets better results than obsessing over every detail, but it's not easy all the time. So I made this page, a reminder to let go. To not worry. To let things work themselves out...
...and I did obsess about this page, but only a little!

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